Gaining Health believes that when we feel better we do better. Be the best version of yourself so you can share your unique gifts with the world.

Let us help you achieve resilient health and vitality.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a science-based approach to how the body works as an integrated whole. It focuses on getting to the root of the problem and is less focused on just the symptoms of the problem. “Functional Medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual” as stated by the Institute of Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine (FM) was started by Dr. Jeffry Bland, a PhD biochemist, and nutritionist. He believes in the concept of “sample size of one” meaning every person is unique and therefore the cause of their Dis-Ease will always be unique and personal! Dr. Mark Hyman who is a conventionally trained MD, embraced Functional Medicine (FM) after his own health struggles when conventional medicine could not help him.  He brought FM to the Cleveland Clinic which is one of the largest hospitals in the country currently offering this integrative approach.

Who would benefit from a Functional Medicine Approach?

Clients who are constantly tired, run-down, always sick, or just feel off even though they’ve been told their bloodwork looks “fine”. 

Anyone, with digestive issues who is struggling to figure out how to stop heartburn, decrease gas and bloating and better digest their food.  Anyone with chronic or autoimmune conditions, who thinks there must be something more they can be doing to feel better, instead of only managing symptoms with medications. 

Anyone who thinks aches and pains, are just a sign of aging and is taking over-the-counter pain medication more than once a week.  

Anyone who needs support after an illness and is struggling to regain their energy and vitality.

Want to hear more about it?

When was the last time you received the personal attention you deserve and talked with someone about your health?


  • In addition, to comprehensive blood work panels, we can pursue Food Sensitivity Tests, Stool Tests, Organic Acid Tests, Hormone Testing, HTMA and Heavy Metal Testing. It depends on the client and the complexity of their case. Our experience allows us to be good fiduciary agents for our clients and not just run the same battery of expensive tests for every client. We don’t need to run a stool test to determine a client has maldigestion.

  • No, functional medicine looks at the whole individual, physical, mental & emotional components of that person and identifies what factors are at play that led to an imbalance that may have led to their downstream disease dynamics.

  • A highly personalized and client focused approach to address your health goals. We listen first and foremost, review your comprehensive health history and use a multi-disciplinary approach that includes, analysis and education around test results and what trends they signify. Lifestyle interventions and support around food and eating hygiene, sleep hygiene, movement, hydration, and mental & emotional stress. Plus, some supplement support when a possible imbalance is present.

  • This will vary depending on several factors, how long the imbalance has been present, how willing the client is to make lifestyle changes and the individual person’s ability to heal. Experience has shown that this takes time and usually a minimum of 3 months, but realistically could take 18 months or longer. That’s why we offer different length programs to support clients on this path.

  • Yes, we encourage you to have a good relationship with your provider, especially if you are on prescription medications. In a conventional medical model, doctors don't have the time to spend educating their patients on what is happening to their bodies, and this is where FM shines in educating the client on their unique health situation, what is happening bio-chemically in their body, what do the lab markers mean, what steps are uniquely beneficial for them to move their health forward.